So this week we are off to the Diddi Drama farm as it is Harvest Festival, which is celebrated on the first Friday in Oct. When I was planning this session all my memories of harvest assemblies in primary school came flooding back – sat on a cold school hall floor, crossed legged belting out Cauliflowers Fluffy. I still think it is a tune! 🙂
As many of you will know, in America Harvest Festival is later in the year and called Thanksgiving. It is a time where the whole nation reflects on what they are most thankful for. With this in mind, I want to say the sincerest thanks to all of you for supporting Diddi Drama. I can honestly say that I am so grateful that you believe in what I am doing enough to book a space on the classes, or recommend me to a friend or a school/nursery. It really means the world. Right, enough with the soppy stuff. Let’s discuss things that we could do at home to help develop what we have done in our sessions.
Make a Diddi Drama Corn Shaker:
All you will need is an empty bottle and some popping corn – decoration is optional. What better way to celebrate harvest than making music with corn.
Diddi Drama Apple Art:
Alternatively, you could make some beautiful natural art by harvesting some apples, cutting them in half and dipping them in paint. Your Diddi Drama Star will love stamping with the apple. You may not love the mess – ha.