A Diddi Drama Dinosaur Sensory Bin: If you already have dinosaur figures at home this will be great fun and cheap too. Get your figures, get a tray and fill it up with cereal, stones, loo roll inserts or even twigs and leaves from the garden and then all you will need to do is watch them play. Make your own Diddi Drama Dinofeet: For your slightly older Diddi Drama Stars, why not make your own Dinofeet? Use two empty tissue boxes, cover them with coloured paper and make some dinoclaws or buy some foam like the pictures above and cut out dino feet. Then all you have to do is watch them stomp. See you soon, Sarah x

When you have toddlers/pre-schoolers around there is no way of escaping dinosaurs – they just love them! So there was no doubt we were going to do a dinosaur week at Diddi Drama. Get ready for a lot of stomping, some chomping and maybe even some dinosaur chasing this week. Whilst I am busy being a dinosaur, here are a couple of ideas of things you can do at home.